Homemade Calcium and Magnesium

Calcium-magnesium is not the only homemade supplement you can make. Check out our Homemade Vitamin C article. How to Eat Raw Eggs Safely. If you’re looking for a ...

Calcium Carbonate Filler

Mini-Encyclopedia of Papermaking Wet-End Chemistry Additives and Ingredients, their Composition, Functions, Strategies for Use. CALCIUM CARBONATE


is the carbonic salt of calcium (CaCO3). Calcium carbonate is used therapeutically as a phosphate buffer in hemodialysis, as an antacid in gastric hyperacidity for ...

Sodium carbonate - Wikipedia

Sodium carbonate (also known as washing soda, ... This type of glass is known as soda lime glass: "soda" for the sodium carbonate and "lime" for the calcium carbonate.